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Eidex in MASA Leader: Inspire, Educate, Celebrate

​2018-19 brings the final opportunity for districts to comply with the Michigan educator evaluation legislation. With the school year upon us and to-do lists growing by the minute, ensuring adherence to policies for calculating student growth ratings may feel like a daunting task.

Eidex® School Evaluation Module

Recognizing the time constraint that school leaders face, we have worked in partnership with Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to develop a School Evaluation Module. Also known as the Student Growth Percentile (SGP) calculator, this module uses state assessment data to calculate student growth ratings consistent with recommendations from the MDE. If your district is looking for an efficient way to evaluate educators, this intuitive, low-maintenance tool can calculate an SGP rating for individual teachers, building and district administrators in minutes. We also deliver complimentary custom SGP reports to our district partners. To learn more about the new educator evaluation requirements and how our School Evaluation Module works, check out this article in the most recent MASA Leader Magazine, Summer 2018.

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